After reading my comments from my last post it seems that my ex co workers are stalking me through blog. They have the hardest job EVER! They work at a call center and support a tax program. They just get a few seconds between calls during tax season! I thought I'd try the job despite the fact the only thing I hate worse than the phone is taxes! After shedding a few too many tears I decided to go back to my old job with my tail between my legs and beg for my job back. I got it. I do miss my co workers from Drake and would have stayed if they had agreed to give me a cubicle with no phone. Anyways I made three good friends out of the whole mess. Skeener who is the only person I know that leaves work and literally parties until time to go back into work by the time the buzz wears off he is headed to another party. The thing that I like about him is not the fragrance of alcohol. He has a big heart and is a lot of fun to talk too. Which leads me to Steph. She used to be a cheerleader. I used to think of cheerleaders as people who lived in those worlds where everything is daisies and fairies. NOT STEPH! Sister keeps it real and will break bad at any given moment. Which is what I like about her there is no blowing smoke. Finally, there is Jodi who I worked with for about 6 years she was the whole reason that I went to the call center.This is the discussion that took place
Jodi: Mel you gotta come work here it is the greatest job ever
Mel: I don't know anything about taxes
Jodi: Then your perfect for the job they don't want you to know about taxes
Mel: Well if your sure
Jodi: I am sure
Mel: I can do this
MEL, Skeener, Jodi, Steph: hee heee heee lets make bets on who will quit first
MEL: HAHAHAHAHA I took more calls than you HAHAHAHA even though I had to have lots of help. I WILL BE TOP CALL TAKER!!!!! HEEEE HEEEE HEEE EAT MY DUST!
Mel:whine whine whine does the phone ever stop ringing
Jodi: Don't worry about it TAKE IT ONE CALL AT A TIME
Mel: heart racing whine whine I really can't do this
Skeener: no you really can't hahahahaha but its funny to watch
Jodi: you can do this
Steph: It will be a lot easier after your first tax season
Mel: Snotting and crying (decided the only way I would stay is if they gave me the job of driving the trolly. A job that was brought up in team since parking was such an issue.
Needless to say the trolly job never came up and I went out!
Anyway if I could take my peeps from the call center and the job I have now and stir them up then I'd have it made!
You are a nut! No wonder you are being stalked. LOL
Melody we love you!! It's just less fun without you around, I still have your 'Note to self: I heart shortbus' paper on my cube!!
YOU + JODI = Come hang out with me sometime. We can harass Cake. :-D
You + Me + Jodi + 4x8 sheet of plywood + party cups + beer + ping pong balls = You passed out.
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