Sunday, September 2, 2007

And Then There Was One ........(plus an extra)

What do you do when you have 5 kids and everyone has plans to be gone except one? You do the logical thing invite another one over. HAHAHA. Funniest thing happened well funny to everyone BUT ME! This morning my sister ( who is an angel when it comes to taking a few kids off of my hands) called and said can I keep two kids tonight. Without any hesitation what so ever I said yes as long as you want. Then the others made plans. WHEW looking like me and the hubby are gonna get some quality alone time (you know the kind I am talking about going out for an over priced meal then coming home to watch a movie with lots of violence and cussing since the kids aren't home) Well before my happy dance was complete. One child changed his mind and decided to not only stay home but bring his cousin over to. Oh, well. The thought of kidless was nice while it lasted! So we went to Berger King and rented the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle movie. YIPEEE! Oh well better go things are quiet upstairs and when things are quiet bad things are happening!

1 comment:

Peggy said...

whats going on in your neck of the woods this week? Megan called and they had a nice weekend.