Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Captain Moron and His Peeps!

Well, the five year old is having a birthday tomorrow and his exact words were " I can't wait until my birthday I have been five for two years!" I know the feeling I have been eighteen for ten years! He has spent his birthday week with his blankey tied around his neck like a cape going around the house saving the puppy from anyone they may want to hold it. His words each and every time being, " Captain Moron to the rescue" "Don't worry puppy I will save you"
The other kids have decided that playing cream the guy with the ball is way better than any video game they have. Because smearing someone guts all over the ground is much more addicting in real life. Well, better go clean up captain moron's mess and scrape up the guts left from cream the guy with the ball.


Peggy said...

Don't forget to find something for his birthday and let me know so I can pay for it. I will call Captain Moron tomorrow LOL

Steph said...

Melody, do you know that this post makes me want children just for the fact it will be hilarious when they do the 'Captain Moron' stuff. Really. I'm sure any child of me and Cake's would be totallypsychonuts.

Peggy said...

hey update... I need something to read!!!! LOL