Thursday, August 30, 2007

The Light At The End Of The Tunnel!

Well, 4 out of 5 kids have a plan for the future. Really 5 out of 5 but one's plan is NOT an option. Oldest son (sensible one) has decided to go to college and get his electrical license and take over the family business cause "dad ain't getting younger." Next child wants to be a judge and her plan is to go to law school be a lawyer and then become a judge. Next child wants be a professional dirt bike racer, when asked what was going to be his fall back if that didn't work, "I don't have one because if you think like that then it want work" Gotta love that attitude! Next child has decided that she is happy living at home with us and doesn't want to leave home ever. THIS IS NOT AN OPTION! Youngest child has decided that he wants to be one of those truck drivers that you see on t.v. that drives across ice 3 months out of the year in Alaska. He really said "I want to be an ice road truck driver that is where the real money is at" Keep in mind he is five so I will be changing his mind too!
The 10 year old decided on band this year and wants to play the flute like her mom did (secretly did the happy dance because I think she likes me after all). When we went to school for the night meeting about instrument's and responsibilities I was waiting to cut a check and my daughter was in the corner with friends as if she is to good to have a mother (it is amazing how quickly I become mother dearest at money distributing times) anyway I only had the five year old besides her I was sitting and waiting and got bored (mother of 5 who isn't used to idle time, can get into more trouble than a whole pack of kids) anyway I glanced over at the 10 year old hanging out with her friends and looked down at the five year old sitting on my lap playing his game boy and I let out a laugh you know the one HEE HEEE HEEEE (evil laugh) and my five year old said what mom. I said do you want to embarrass your sister. As if I had to ask. So I whispered in his ear and he was off over to the corner where the divas were catching up on the latest drama. He then begins to dance not just a little jig but a big ole booty shake dance and topped it off with a big ole booty slap. Hope came marching over to me dragging her brother by the arm her face was red and she was mad. She then said "YOU REALLY NEED TO WATCH HIM BETTER MOTHER" so I replied "oh my I sure do Hope" She went back and and my son and I had a good giggle over it.
Life is too short not to laugh along the way! Hope everyone finds some humor in what the day brings!


Peggy said...

You are sooooo mean!

Lisa Oceandreamer Swifka said...

I came over from your Mom's blog and I can tell right now I'll be back. You have a fantastic sense of humor and it sounds like you also have your Mom's energy.(I've been asking her to bottle and sell it but so far no go)
Nice to meet you Melody.

Rosa said...

What precious moments and kids! Enjoy. They'll be starting their careers before you know it!! (My now 14 year old would leave naked baby pictures out of our now 18 year old so his girlfriend could see them!) ha.