Saturday, August 25, 2007

A Little Of This and A Little Of That

In case you were wondering why I started to blog again. This is therapy for me cause to tell you the truth the Wellbutrin aint cuttin it. As long as I can recall I have always worried about everything, I do mean EVERYTHING! To prove that God does have a sense of humor I have been blessed with five children. As if I didn't have enough to worry about, these days my biggest concern is keeping it together until our five year old turns eighteen then I am going to party like it's my birthday for the rest of my life!
I also have family scattered all over the place, so this will be a way for them to keep up with what is happening with our bunch! My mom and cousing have blogs as well, I will have to get my mom to show me how to post links to them though. Yep, I know it's sad when you have to get your mom to show you how to work your computer. I am over that whole pride thing though! I call her about everything else (how to get gum out of hair, to apologize for the way I acted, what do they mean by lard (yep really did ask her that and then I said why don't they just say Crisco, mom) apologize for the way I acted, to ask every and any health concern that comes up at any hour and finally did I mention apologize for the way I acted, because I seem to be paying for an awful lot, just between us I think this is God showing me his sense of humor again.
Well, I hope I haven't bored you too much. I should probably go swith over the load of laundry and write the two page paper that is due tonight for my hubby ( that likes to whine because he is going to school) he goes physically but I do all the work. Why isn't he doing his own paper you ask. That would be because we spent 25 bucks on air soft bullets and BB's. Yep that's bright give five kids some amunition and keep thinking that they will only shoot the target and not each other. Denial works for us! Well that's all for now!


Rosa said...

I hope you keep it up. It is quite therapeutic. It's also good for you to have something to go back to and see what you were doing way back when. I do mine for my kids (I only have two--wow, no wonder you worry!). Things do get easier, so hang in there. With a mom like yours, you can never stray too far from some lovin'.

Jeanne said...

Your Mom had a link to your blog.....
Blessings and much love.
Jeanne ^j^