So I am cooking supper and look out the window at a Six year old smuggling things under his shirt through the yard to the woods. This goes on for oh about six trips. Finally, I decide to check out the situation. So I sneak to the corner of the house and see a pile of power tools, hammers and nails. Thank goodness there were no saws! Anyway after further investigation it was concluded that the Six year old looks innocent and doesn't usually get in to things so he is far less likely to get caught sneaking tools out of the shop than anyone else. But it doesn't stop there. Guess who they have standing on the fort to make sure it's stable yep that would be the Six year old too! So when hubby gets home! I threaten him! I told him not to go and get the tools just yet and not to yell at them. The way I look at it they are learning a trade! Which means we have back up if college doesn't work out! SO what we did instead was to get the box of band aids lay them on the counter along with the insurance cards so we were ready. Luckily the day was un eventful!
1 comment:
Tell the boys I am proud of them! I expect a great cabin or fort when they come back to visit.
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