Monday night cooking classes have been a big hit at our house. For the past few weeks we have been making different kinds of cookie doughs and putting them in the freezer in hopes of making Christmas Cooking Baskets.
I still haven't used my dryer! Yeah for me and the beginning of my frugal life! As I mentioned I was planning on starting to see how cheap I could get the grocery bill. Hubby messed that up by trying to help and going to the grocery store and spending far more than I ever would have on any day! So am planning on starting that next week.
We were sitting around the table and the phone rang(imagine that with 7 of us) Anyway it happened to be for me. It was the school needing volunteers. So I quickly agreed to help with the health fair. Then it happened. God smiled down on me and let his humor fly again. It was asked if my husband or I would be interested in supervising the upcoming dance. I quickly without hesitation volunteered my husband for this (partly because he always aggravates the children saying that he is going to do it) As I shared the joy with the folks at the table first a glare came from hubby (you know the look....the one that says....I was only saying that to get a rise out of the kids......why do you do this stuff to me) then the kids sunk in their seats saying please don't do it. The more they begged the more hubby was okay with it. So Oldest daughter said Okay you can go (as if she had a choice in the whole thing) anyway she said We gotta lay some ground rules. #1 you don't know me #2 I don't know you #3 stay with the other parents #4 don't try to dance #5 don't try to sing #6 and most important don't get up out of your seat, speak or make eye contact with anyone. HAHAHHAHHA Oldest son said my only request is don't hollar across the room " WHAZ UP DAWG" like a wanna be cool parent might.
Oldest son who is sensitive, sweet, and all around an easy child decided to change sports. So what do you do with a soft spoken, tender hearted boy? Sign him up for wrestling of course. The sick thing is he LOVES it. I tried to watch but feel the urge to go jank them monsters off my baby so have chosen to wait in the van until the end of practice.
Oldest daughter is back in basketball season full swing. She is good, if I do say so myself. Ask anyone in the stands they can tell you.....I think she is good. Which brings me to what I was told. Only and I do mean ONLY cheer when the other parents are cheering. I should not hear GO HOPIE GO at all I shouldn't hear you because of everyone else mom GEEEEZE
Youngest son last night while we were waiting in the van for wrestling to get over with got my key chain flashlight and started looking in everyone ear. We were all told that we have tubes and they look good and we could expect them to fall out at any time but not to be scared cause it want hurt. Then our eyes were looked at yep still seeing spots from this one. As we were told yep looks like you need glasses I think spider man ones will suite you fine. You have to take care of them and not sleep with them. Finally the one that brought tears was when he shined the light on our heads and said oh my what is that you got tumors but don't worry you get to take fun trips to the head dr. and if you are really good you can stay at the Ronald McDonald house and eat whatever you want to. You will have to have a shot though and it will hurt but then I will put you in a machine and look at your head and give you a toy so its okay. HAHAHAHA he is hilarious
Middle son is learning that no matter what I do at school or who I do it to my parents are going to find out so I might as well stop doing it. I will never say that he is coping with his ADHD well because if I do the bottom will surely fall out before I get home to catch it. So I am going to leave this paragraph with middle son is showing rays of sunshine at this time.
Youngest daughter has finally found a way to study multiplication without crying and snotting all over me. We have found a website that you type in whatever facts you are working on 7's or whatever and then a game pops up and she plays it for 30 min. each day and is getting very sharp at her facts now. I am very very proud.
Hubby well he is hubby. I wrote a note to his boss and the first line read 10 reasons why you should make Joe's check payable to me. Funny thing is the last line read ooops looks like Joe needs a raise.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Finally A New Post

This month has been busy, leaving little time to catch up on my blog.
I had a girls night our for the first time in a long time. Some friends and myself went to the Mexican restaurant, it was a lot of fun. When the Waiter asked what we wanted to drink I said Coke please but was quickly interrupted by a Friend who insisted that I wanted a daiquiris. One daiquiri led to another which led to me getting REALLY REALLY SICK but not before I muttered to my friend that she STUNK AS A GUARDIAN. You Cant take some one out who never goes out and expect them to run with the bid dawgs geeze.
I had dental surgery. I had all my wisdom teeth pulled out, 2 molars cut out, deep cleaning to gums and some bone graphs. The next day I felt good got a lot done around the house and then it hit me that night I was hurting. The next day we had a Halloween party for the kids at My sister's house. Hubby had to make 40 cupcakes after I slumped over in the recliner and began to drool (turns out pain pills make you do crazy things) the party went really good until my lovely brother in law thought it would be hilarious to turn on the fog machine right where I was standing and a tall kid was headed. The outcome of this hilarious action was the direct result of me getting head butted right in the jaw. Needless to say I ducked out of the party after that and hid in the living room. I think I am pretty much back to normal now (2 pain pill bottles later). The party turned out great and there was a big turn out.
Went to A Home and Garden's Party. My friends will appreciate this story. We had this "Get To Know You Game" you had to write down something about yourself that no body else knew. Seeing how these were all of my sister's peeps I didn't know anyone and thought I could write down anything or something that would embarrass my sister. So I took the higher road, nah only kidding I went for the embarrassment. I wrote that I have been married more times than anyone in the room. Turns out my sister has a bigger mouth than me and everyone guessed it. The humor comes in however when someone wrote I had a serious boyfriend and married someone else. Again everyone guessed me! WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS PICTURE! The joke was on them cause it turns out I wasn't the only wild child in the crowd. There was a sweet older lady sitting a couple of people away from me named Sarah. When she sheepishly said it was her. I was the one who jumped to my feet gave her a hive five with a GO SARAH YOU GO GIRL. Only to be told later that it was my sister's preacher's wife. My purchase came to 40 bucks the night however was priceless!!!!
The kids all had different classes they wanted to sign up for each being quite pricey so I came up with an alternative on Monday nights we now have a class (just me and the kids) This month is cooking. So far we have tackled and won the battle of sugar cookies. I even sent treat bags of the cookies to hubbies coworkers. Could have sworn I heard hubby mumble under his breath this is stupid. It was confirmed when one of his coworkers thanked me for the cookies that indeed that is what he said cause he said thanks for the cookies even though Joe said I know its stupid she made me bring 'em. Oh well, can't train them all. Next month they want to make crafts and then in January they want photography, in which I will be enlisting the help of my older sister.
Also this month I have managed to tackle two crafts for Thanksgiving. The first being collecting leaves and letting (telling) the kids to make place mats for the table. I then laminated them they turned out really good. We also tackled a little Thanksgiving Craft gift for the grandparents. It's always fun when you have one who doesn't want to do it and wants to slap it together to prove a point. It is even funner when I say WOW THAT LOOKS GREAT I HOPE GRANDMA HANGS IT SOMEWHERE SURE TO BE SEEN BY EVERYONE AND TELL HER YOU MADE IT!
My mom would be proud to know that I haven't used my dryer in 3 weeks in hopes of seeing a difference on the power bill. I wash a load a night before I go to bed and before getting ready for work I hang the load on the line to dry during the day. I am determined at her guidance to be more frugal and stop blowing money! I am taking small steps. My next big move is to see how cheap I can get the grocery bill and still feed the family. WHOO that will be fun. Little Debby is the devil anyways she goes straight to the hips.
I got the flu shot this month, and plan on taking the children to the pediatrician lining them up and getting theirs too.
I signed up for college (for myself not hubby) for next semester and hope to finally finish my degree.(while working full time, raising 5 kids and taking care of hubby)
Finally, I am getting my own office at work and am in the process of packing up and moving out. So I hope to start blogging once a week faithfully. I started out wanting to do daily but there is just know way. Hope everyone's day is more uneventful than mine.
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